30 November 2009

November, where have you gone?

It seems November has come and gone without making an appearance on my blog. So here's what has happened since last I left you:
  • I went to the Harvard Band 90th Reunion and got to see some old friends; Jonathan even flew in from Poland for the weekend, in part because...
  • I turned 24;
  • The Phillies were once again in the World Series, but thanks to uncapped salaries in the MLB, did not reach the same conclusion as last year;
  • I got Windows 7 as a birthday gift from my brother John, and so far it is as awesome as all the commercials make it sound;
  • Milo has started sleeping a million hours a day, so I no longer have a puppy's urgent bladder waking me up in the early morning;
  • I bowled over 100 twice in one evening;
  • Thanksgiving happened and I ate my weight in turkey and pumpkin pie;
  • I attended my 5-year high school reunion, which was not as awkward or uncomfortable as anticipated;
  • I finally ordered a monitor (TV) for my computer from TigerDirect's Pink Friday sale, so I can stop borrowing my Dad's.

I have a handful of half-written blog entries in my head about various unrecorded Taiwan experiences, but I'm finding it increasingly hard to write them out. Wrapping up those few last entries will really conclude my year in Taiwan, and as I still tell acquaintances that "I just got back from being abroad," it seems weird to let go of the experience entirely. There has been a real lack of continuity in my life since graduation. I spent a year in another country with another language and a new routine and a whole set of new people, then I abruptly returned to suburban Pennsylvania with a year of holidays and birthdays gone by, finding my friends with jobs and apartments instead of classes and dorm rooms.

Enough of that. I just wanted to say, I haven't forgotten about this blog or about the things I plan to write in it. I thought all I needed was to find the time to create (of which I have plenty), but as it turns out I still haven't found all the right words.