I haven't forgotten this blog, or all of you who may read it. Every few days I get a reminder that I haven't updated in a while, but when your sole source of computing is a 7" constantly-overheating-in-the-summer laptop (with no pictures on its 8GB hard drive), it's hard to get motivated to type more than a few sentences.
Anyway, from August 26-September 23 I will be embarking on Katie's Polish Adventure (take two). Armed with my external hard drive and Jonathan's powerful self-built PC (and being left to my own devices during working hours), I will hopefully finally find the time and energy for updates. So in addition to my wrapping up writing on Taiwan, you can also expect more posts on Krakow, and possibly a little on Budapest and Prague (our tentative weekend plans).
Until my triumphant return to the blogosphere, feel free to leave your input on any or all of the following:
- What I should do/where I should go in Krakow, Poland, Prague, Budapest, and the general areas;
- What you'd like to hear more about from my experiences in Taiwan;
- Whether I should continue this blog (or start a new one, or give up on blogging) once I hit the world of full-time employment;
- Any books you think I should read, as I've suddenly started reading again, a lot, and will need reading for my trip; and/or
- What you think of Project Runway's transition from Bravo to Lifetime.