23 September 2008

The latest craze...

I went to a department store with my host family last Sunday. Department stores are basically 10+ story buildings with anything you could need, including a grocery store, bookstore, movie theater, and any kind of boutique or kiosk you would want. Anyway, this department store also had an arcade. A crowd was gathered around this one machine, and my host brother Kevin was particularly excited. It was like Dance Dance Revolution, but... well... revolutionized.

A video is necessary. My favorite part is not the guy standing and playing the actual game, but the many others standing nearby "rehearsing" for their turn.

Sorry for the brevity and poor quality. It was about as close and as long as I dared stand near the flailing-armed men (yes, men). Needless to say, when host mom Linda asked if I wanted to give it a try, I politely declined.


glennie said...

I was watching High School Musical on Tuduo or Youko or one of those and when you go to pause a little floor plan pops up of a building and while I can't read the ???'s the pictures that pop up are of a slice of cake, lingerie, a book, and a game remote. One stop shopping.

Anonymous said...

that is at 大遠百,is it not?