On Jonathan's second full day in Taiwan, he had probably his most exhausting cultural immersion of the whole trip. Not eating tongue soup or getting lost in Taipei (both of which were accomplished later), but... he came to school to teach with me for a full day of classes. Much like my first day, most of these classes were at least partly (if not entirely) a "Meet Mr. Jon" session, followed by a rousing game of "Mr. Jon says."
The kids were amazed that two people from the same country could have different color hair. They didn't know what "Jewish" meant. They asked why he had "fur" on his arms. They tried to learn a few words of Spanish. They were generally amazed at him being around.
And now, some photos of "Mr. Jon" from his time at 復興國小.
Mr. Jon and Katie 老師 at the front gate:
Students are in awe of Mr. Jon's driver's license:
Finally, we take a picture with some of the members of my "fan club"... a group of 3rd graders from Amy's class who come talk to me during every period break:
Today in class, a few students came in during lunch and asked why Jon didn't come to school again after that. I told them the truth... he wasn't cut out to be at school for eight hours a day, and after one day of it, he was too tired to come back.
Welcome to my life!
Did Jon talk to them about Dragonball Z?
Aww! Katie, that is adorable. But yeah, kids are exhausting. I'm so glad you had fun with jon!!! I'll try giving you a call sometime to catch up.
Woooo internet famous!
Jon should have taught them how to throw a frisbee
I'm so good at that whatever.
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