There's no need for me to describe the conference. It was a conference. Lots of things that are very interesting when presented individually become lost when they are presented one after another, Powerpoint after Powerpoint; though, I think the overall accomplishments of this year's Fulbright group are pretty impressive and certainly worth presenting. In addition to the presentations, there was a trip to the aquarium, some touring of an arboretum-ish area on a mountain, and some good quality beach time. There weren't any other tourists in the water with us, but the water was certainly warm enough for swimming. (The air, on the other hand, wasn't so warm for us running back to the hotel.) To think I went swimming in the ocean and got sunburned yesterday, and will be in freezing-cold Krakow next week with nought but a flimsy fluffy Carrefour "winter" coat... 真奇怪.
Anyway, this conference definitely made me appreciate Kenting's beauty. My visit with Jonathan was during the rainy season, and we were often too overwhelmed by figuring out where to stay or what to eat that we (or at least I) forgot to notice how amazing our surroundings were. This weekend, staying in the fanciest resort I've ever stayed in, feeling less of a need to take pictures and do everything, I finally realized why everyone loves this place.
Now, the pictures. Note: you can click on any picture to see it full-size in a separate window.
A group of high school kids oooh and aaah over the whale shark at the Taiwan National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium:
Our room at the Caesar Park Hotel:
The view from our balcony:
Sites from an arboretum area of Kenting National Park:
(a garden)
(banyan pathway)
I could probably look at this water all day:
Though, the landscape isn't too bad either:
Thank you, Fulbright Foundation, for all that you've given me, and for all that you continue to give.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing this lovely view of Kenting. I guess we'll have to plan to do some touring when we come to see you....when is that, anyway?
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