I may not be in Taiwan to partake of the holiday, but here are some photos from when I went New Year shopping with my host family. And I thought Christmas shopping at the King of Prussia Mall was crowded...

Shopping for Chinese New Year, as I learned, is not shopping for presents or even really decorations, but it's shopping for little snacks and other food items. I brought some with me to Krakow, and I'll certainly have some in celebration tonight. Too bad I won't see any fireworks...
Hey Katie, i really think that your blog is very interesting. =]
I was so sad that I missed it! Although.."Year of the Ox Inauspicious" was one of the headlines on NYT. Are you enjoying the cold in poland? (cause i gotta tell you, i'm really not enjoying it here - stupid icy rain).
Time for another update. Those of us with no life (and nothing to enjoy in this weather) need to live vicariously through your adventures. And Glennie teases with a blog name but does no posting... Smile and the world smiles with you.
can i say "people mountain people sea" ?
haha~it's long time no see!!
i'm in "yunlin" now, i'm preparing the test of graduate school. if i was fail the exam i'll do the military service, it's terrible!!
finally, happy "牛" year !!
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